Animal and vegetable fixed oils, fats, butters, and waxes: their preparation and properties, and the manufacture therefrom of candles, soaps, and other products T Technology
Ice-making machines: the theory of the action of the various forms of cold-producing or so-called ice machines T Technology
Grosser luftverkehrs-atlas von Europa, bearbeitet und herausgegeben unter mitwirkung der Wissenschaftlichen gesellschaft für luftfahrt e. v. (WGL), Berlin, und unter benutzung des materials der Deutschen luft hansa a. g., Berlin: T Technology
Ice-making machines: the theory of the action of the various forms of cold-producing or so-called ice machines T Technology
The aerial age; a thousand miles by airship over the Atlantic Ocean; airship voyages over the Polar Sea; the past, the present and the future of aerial navigation T Technology