Bibliotheca Chethamensis, sive, Bibliothecae publicae Mancuniensis : ab Humfredo Chetham Armigero fundatae : catalogus exhibens libros in varias classes pro varietate argumenti distributos ..
Ordinale Sarvm sive Directorivm sacerdotvm: (liber, quem Pica Sarum vulgo vocitat clerus) auctore Clemente Maydeston, sacerdote: B Philosophy
The second recension of the Quignon breviary, following an edition printed at Antwerp in 1537 and collated with twelve other editions; to which is prefixed a handlist of editions of the first and second recensions B Philosophy
Monumenta ritualia ecclesiae Anglicanae; or, Occasional offices of the church of England according to the ancient use of Salisbury, the Prymer in English, and other prayers and forms B Philosophy
Monumenta ritualia ecclesiae Anglicanae; or, Occasional offices of the church of England according to the ancient use of Salisbury, the Prymer in English, and other prayers and forms B Philosophy
Monumenta ritualia ecclesiae Anglicanae; or, Occasional offices of the church of England according to the ancient use of Salisbury, the Prymer in English, and other prayers and forms B Philosophy
Dictionary of Latin synonymes, for the use of schools and private students, with a complete index P Language and Literature
C. Suetonii Tranquilli Vita Domitiani. Suetonius’s Life of Domitian with notes and parallel passages P Language and Literature