Annual report of the Commandant Commandant of the Marine Corps to the Secretary of the Navy for the fiscal year ….. V Naval science
The elements of navigation; a short and complete explanation of the standard methods of finding the position of a ship at sea and the course to be steered V Naval science
Principles and practice of naval and military courts martial, with an appendix illustrative of the subject V Naval science
A lecture on the late improvements in steam navigation and the arts of naval warfare, with a brief notice of Ericsson’s caloric engine: delivered before the Boston lyceum V Naval science
Young sailor’s assistant in practical seamanship including the rules of the road; directions for resuscitating the apparently drowned, etc., etc., together with the salutes … naval signal flags, Very’s lights, and the international code of signals V Naval science
A treatise on the application of marine surveying & hydrometry to the practice of civil engineering V Naval science
The azimuths of celestial bodies whose declinations range from 24 ̊to 70,̊ for parallels of latitude extending to 70 ̊from the equator V Naval science
Message of the President … Nov. 29, 1864 [transmitting a communication from the secretary of the Treasury, covering estimates for additional appropriations required by the Navy department] V Naval science
A complete class-book of naval architecture, practical, laying off, theotrical, with numerous illustrations and almost 200 fully worked-out ansers to recent Board of education examination questions V Naval science