Sanitary institutions during the Austro-Prussian-Italian conflict. Conferences of the international societies of relief for wounded soldiers. Anessay on ambulance wagons. Universal exhibition rewards and letters. Catalogue of the authors sanitary colletion U Military Science
Legislative history of the General staff of the army of the United States (its organization, duties, pay, and allowances), from 1775 to 1901 U Military Science
Rifle and light infantry tactics; for the exercise and maneuvers of troops when acting as light infantry or riflemen. Comprising the school of the platoon and company, rules for skirmishing, school of the battalion, regimental evolutions and a condensed system of camp and garrison regulations U Military Science
Infantry tactics, for the instruction, exercise, and manœuvres of the soldier, a company, line of skirmishers, battalion, brigade, or corps d’armée U Military Science