The Bicknells. Proceedings and addresses at the second family reunion, at Weymouth, Mass., September 20 and 21, 1882. With addresses and exercises at the dedication of the Bicknell family monument. By the Publication Committee, for the family C Auxiliary Sciences of History
Minnespenningar öfver enskilda personer födda eller verksamma i Finland C Auxiliary Sciences of History
Thomas Joy and his descendants in the lines of his sons Samuel of Boston, Joseph of Hingham, Ephraim of Berwick; a portfolio of family papers, comp. by James Richard Joy C Auxiliary Sciences of History
Thoughts on books to read and books to burn; a compilation in three parts … containing evidence that pure minds and useful people are not the product of the cheap trashy novel C Auxiliary Sciences of History
Marjorie Fleming : a sketch : being the paper entitled Pet Marjorie: a story of child life fifty years ago. C Auxiliary Sciences of History
Calendar of the Clarendon state papers preserved in the Bodleian library C Auxiliary Sciences of History
Nouvelles recherches sur la division de l’année des anciens Égyptiens, suivies d’un mémoire sur des observations planétaires consignées dans quatre tablettes égyptiennes en écriture démotique C Auxiliary Sciences of History
Trade tokens issued in the seventeenth century in England, Wales, and Ireland, by corporations, merchants, tradesmen, etc. Illustrated by numerous plates and woodcuts, and containing notes of family, heraldic, and topographical interest respecting the various issuers of the tokens C Auxiliary Sciences of History
Letters to a Chinese official; being a western view of eastern civilization C Auxiliary Sciences of History
Das münz-, mass- und gewichtswesen in Vorderasien bis auf Alexander den Grossen; C Auxiliary Sciences of History