Origin and history of the American flag and of the naval and yacht-club signals, seals and arms, and principal national songs of the United States, with a chronicle of the symbols, standards, banners, and flags of ancient and modren nations C Auxiliary Sciences of History
Appel’s Repertorium zur Münzkunde des Mittelalters und der neuern Zeit .. C Auxiliary Sciences of History
Degli archivii napolitani : relazione a S.E. il Ministro della pubblica istruzione C Auxiliary Sciences of History
Ensayo de onomatología ó estudio de los nombres propios y hereditarios C Auxiliary Sciences of History
The Christian standard of honor. A discourse delivered in the First Congregational Church, Quincy, Massachusetts, January 8, 1854, on the Sunday following the death of Hon. Thomas Greenleaf C Auxiliary Sciences of History
Descriptive catalogue of the charters, minute books and other documents of the borough of Weymouth and Melcombe Regis C Auxiliary Sciences of History
Report of the proceedings of the House of Lords on the claims to the Barony of Gardner : with an appendix containing a collection of cases illustrative of the law of legitimacy C Auxiliary Sciences of History