Description of the American electro magnetic telegraph: now in operation between the cities of Washington and Baltimore. Illustrated by fourteen wood engravings T Technology
A system of useful formulæ. adapted to the practical operations of locating and constructing railroads; a paper read before the Boston society of civil engineers T Technology
Brick bridges, sewers, and culverts: a series of examples adapted for application in the construction of roads and railways, and in draining of towns & districts … Each example being fully exhibited in working plans & sections, with figured dimensions, and accompanined by a bill of quantities .. T Technology
An analytical investigation of the resistance of piles to superincumbent pressure, deduced from the force of driving; T Technology
A text book of geometrical drawing : abridged from the octavo edition : for the use of schools in which the definitions and rules of geometry are familiarly explained, the practical problems are arranged from the most simple to the more complex, and in their description technicalities are avoided as much as possible : with an introduction to isometrical drawing : and an essay on linear perspective and shadows … T Technology
A history of the precious metals, from the earliest periods to the present time; with directions for testing their purity, and statements of their comparative value, estimated cost, and amount at different periods; together with an account of the products of various mines; a history of the Anglo-Mexican mining companies, and speculations concerning the mineral wealth of California: T Technology
A practical treatise on the manufacture of colors for painting. Comprising the origin, definition, and classification of colors; the treatment of the raw materials etc T Technology
A text book of geometrical drawing, abridged from the octavo edition, for the use of schools … T Technology