Operation and costs; bringing factory production up to capacity–scheduling and dispatching work–maintaining quality–cost keeping methods and systems–cost cutting and plant control T Technology
The railway purchasing agent’s directory, containing directions where to purchase every article used in constructing and operating railways, also, a list of railways, with name and address of officials in charge of purchasing departments T Technology
Pumping machinery. A practical hand-book relating to the construction and management of steam and power pumping machines T Technology
Practical calculation of dynamo-electric machines; a manual for electrical and mechanical engineers and a text-book for students of electrical engineering: continuous current machinery; T Technology
The polar planimeter and its use in engineering calculations together with tables, diagrams and factors for the immediate adjustment of the instrument for the solution of problems … etc., etc., etc. T Technology
Wilson’s photographics; a series of lessons, accompanied by notes, on all the processes which are needful in the art of photography T Technology