Annual report of the Public Utilities Commission of the District of Columbia H Social sciences (General)
Testimony taken before the Joint committee of the Senate and Assembly of the state of New York to investigate and examine into the business and affairs of life insurance companies doing business in the state of New York .. H Social sciences (General)
The American settler’s guide: a popular exposition of the public land system of the United States of America H Social sciences (General)
A letter to the postmaster-general, reviewing the recommendations of his annual report in favor of a postal telegraph H Social sciences (General)
Württembergische Jahrbücher für Statistik und Landeskunde. 1818-1951-52 H Social sciences (General)
Centennial. One hundred year of progress in the business of banking, Philadelphia, May 30, 1876 H Social sciences (General)
Du système pénitentiaire en Europe et aux États-Unis; ouvrage dédié aux chambres, préćédé d’une pétition qui leur est adressée, et orné de plusieurs plans de prisons et tableaux statistiques H Social sciences (General)
Die haftung der juristischen personen aus unerlaubten handlungen, nach gemeinem recht und Bürgerlichem gesetzbuche H Social sciences (General)
The influence of English railway legislation of [!] trade and industry: with an appendix of tracts and documents H Social sciences (General)
Anniversary address delivered before the Alumni Association of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Medical Department of Columbia College, New York City : March 2d, 1869 H Social sciences (General)