Legislative history of Titles I-XX of the Social Security Act / compiled by the Technical Documents Branch, Division of Technical Documents and Privacy, Office of Regulations, Office of Operational Policy and Procedures, Social Security Administration. K Law
The copyright pentalogy [electronic resource] : how the Supreme Court of Canada shook the foundations of Canadian copyright law / Michael Geist, editor. Law, technology and society K Law
Report of the trial by impeachment of James Prescott, judge of the probate of wills, &c. for the County of Middlesex for misconduct and maladministration in office, before the Senate of Massachusetts in the year 1821. With an appendix, containing an account of former impeachments in the same state K Law
Investigation of improper activities in the labor or management field. Hearings before the Select Committee on Improper Activities in the Labor or Management Field K Law
Conference comparison of H.R. 3299 estimated revenue effects of revenue reconciliation provisions : title XI of the House bill and title VI of the Senate amendment K Law
Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States : with a preliminary review of the constitutional history of the colonies and states before the adoption of the Constitution K Law
Nouveau recueil général de traités et autres actes relatifs aux rapports de droit international K Law
Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of appeals of the state of New York [1863-68] with notes, references, and an index K Law
John Marshall; life, character and judicial services as portrayed in the centenary and memorial addresses and proceedings throughout the United States on Marshall day, 1901 K Law