Survey of the state of education, aristocratic and popular, and of the general influences of morality and religion L Education
On the state of education in Holland, as regards schools for the working classes and for the poor; L Education
The mineral laws of the Orange River Colony, including the Mining of precious metals ordinance, 1904, The Mining of precious stones ordinance, 1904, The Mining of base metals and minerals ordinance, 1904, and The Mines regulations, with notes and a complete index L Education
Lovsamling for Island, indeholdende udvalg af de vigtigste ældre og nyere love og anordninger, resolutioner, instruktioner og reglementer, Althingsdomme og vedtægter, kollegial-breve, fundatser og gavebreve, samt andre aktsykker, til oplysning om Islands retsforhold og administration i ældre og nyere tider L Education
Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the Supreme court of the District of Columbia, sitting in general term, from January, 1879, to June, 1880 L Education