Reports of Sir George Croke, knight. Formerly one of the justices of the courts of Kings-bench, and common-pleas, of such select cases as were adjudged in the said courts [1582-1641] L Education
Reports of Sir George Croke, knight. Formerly one of the justices of the courts of Kings-bench, and common-pleas, of such select cases as were adjudged in the said courts [1582-1641] L Education
Reports of Sir George Croke, knight. Formerly one of the justices of the courts of Kings-bench, and common-pleas, of such select cases as were adjudged in the said courts [1582-1641] L Education
The reports of Sir Henry Yelverton, knight and baronet … of divers special cases in the Court of King’s Bench, as well in the latter end of the reign of Q. Elizabeth, as in the first ten years of K. James. [1602-1613] L Education
The reports of Sir Henry Yelverton, knight and baronet … of divers special cases in the Court of King’s Bench, as well in the latter end of the reign of Q. Elizabeth, as in the first ten years of K. James. [1602-1613] L Education
The reports of Sir Creswell Levinz, knt. … containing cases heard and determined in the Court of King’s bench … as also of certain cases in other courts at Westminster … 1660-1696 L Education
British ruling cases from courts of Great Britain, Canada, Ireland, Australia and other divisions of the British empire, extensively annotated L Education
The commentaries, or Reports of Edmund Plowden … containing divers cases upon matters of law, argued and adjudged in the several reigns of King Edward VI., Queen Mary, King and Queen Philip and Mary, and Queen Elizabeth [1548-1579] L Education
Reports of new magistrates’ cases argued and determined in all the courts of common law at Westminster … 1844-[1851] L Education
The reports of Sir Edward Coke, knt. [1572-1617] in English, in thirteen parts complete; with references to all the ancient and modern books of the law L Education
Reports and cases of practice in the Court of common pleas, in the reigns of Queen Anne, King George I. and King George II. [1706-1747] L Education
Modern reports; or, Select cases adjudged in the courts of King’s bench, Chancery, Common pleas, and Exchequer … [1663-1755] L Education
Modern reports; or, Select cases adjudged in the courts of King’s bench, Chancery, Common pleas, and Exchequer … [1663-1755] L Education
Reports of cases argued and ruled at nisi prius, in the courts of Queen’s bench, Common pleas, & Exchequer; together with cases tried on the circuits, and in the Central criminal court; from Easter term, 4 Vict. to Hilary term, 6 Vict. [1840-1842] L Education