An inquiry concerning the nature, end, and practicability of a course of philosophical education, to which is subjoined a moral catechism L Education
State control of courses of study, with appendices on religious instruction and the grading of school systems L Education
Erwerbsbeschränkungen juristischer personen nacht deutschem reichs- und landes-privatrecht, mit besonderer rücksicht auf die beschränkungen des unentgeltlichen erwerbes L Education
An historical treatise of an action or suit at law; and of the proceedings used in the King’s bench and Common pleas, from the original processes to the judgments in both courts; wherein the reason and usage of the old, obscure and formal parts of our writs and pleadings, such especially as have reference, or relate to the ancient method of practice, as well before the Statute of nisi prius as afterwards, are duly considered, in order to shew from whence they arose L Education
An historical treatise of an action or suit at law; and of the proceedings used in the King’s bench and Common pleas, from the original processes to the judgments in both courts; wherein the reason and usage of the old, obscure and formal parts of our writs and pleadings, such especially as have reference, or relate to the ancient method of practice, as well before the Statute of nisi prius as afterwards, are duly considered, in order to shew from whence they arose L Education