A general abridgment of law and equity : alphabetically digested under proper titles : with notes and references to the whole L Education
A general abridgment of law and equity : alphabetically digested under proper titles : with notes and references to the whole L Education
A general abridgment of law and equity : alphabetically digested under proper titles : with notes and references to the whole L Education
Code of Virginia : with the Declaration of independence, the Con-stitution of the United States, the constitution of Virginia … annotated … L Education
The mental health of the school child, the psycho-educational clinic in relation to child welfare; L Education
A contribution to an English translation of Voet’s Commentary on the pandets, comprising all the titles on purchase and sale–letting and hiring–mortgages–evictions–warranty–and allied subjects; being lib L Education
The British Columbia reports being report of cases determined in the Supreme and County courts and in Admiralty and on appeal in the courts of appeal, with a table of the cases argued, a table of the cases cited and a digest of the principal matters reported under the authority of the Law society of British Columbia …1936/37 L Education
Report of mining eases decided by the courts of British Columbia and the courts of appeal therefrom to the 1st of October, 1902; with an appendix of mining statutes from 1853 to 1902; and a glossary of mining terms L Education