Bidrag till den svenska samhälls-författningens historia; efter de äldre lagarne till sednare hälften af sjuttonde seklet L Education
A history of the University of Pennsylvania, from its foundation to A.D. 1770; including biographical sketches of the trustees, faculty, the first alumni and others L Education
Übersichtliche darstellung des volkserziehungswesens der europäischen und aussereuropäischen kulturvölker; L Education
Traité du gouvernement spirituel et temporel des paroisses: où l’on examine tout ce qui concerne les fonctions, droits & devoirs des marguilliers dans l’administration des fabriques, des biens des pauvres & des écoles de charité … L Education
Reports of cases ruled and determined at nisi prius, in the Court of common pleas, and on the Northern circuit; from the sittings after Trinity term, 55 Geo. III. 1815, to the sittings after Michaelmas term, 58 Geo. III. 1817, both inclusive. To which are added, copious notes upon the most important subjects of commercial and general law L Education
Fallos de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación, con la relación de sus respectivas causas L Education
Das österreichische Wasserrecht mit Bezug auf die ungarische und ausländische Wassergesetzgebungen L Education
The Code of procedure, as amended July 10, 1851, with copious notes to each section, the Supplementary act, and an appendix containing the rules of all the courts, with an index to the whole L Education
The Manitoba reports. v. 1-44-67. Containing reports of cases decided in the Court of King’s bench and Court of appeal for Manitoba .. L Education