Das unterrichtswesen in Oesterreich unter kaiser Josef II. Nach einer darstellung von Jos. v. Sonnenfels L Education
Codigo penal de la Republica Dominicana arreglado por la Comisión nombrada por el poder ejecutivo y conforme al decreto del Congreso nacional de fecha 4 de julio de 1882, conservando el orden de los artículos del texto francés vijente en la república desde el año de 1845 L Education
Instruction in the grades, values and methods; a text-book for normal students and young teachers L Education
Reports of cases argued and determined in the courts of Common Pleas and Exchequer Chamber, with tables of the names of the cases and principal matters L Education
Proceedings of the Department of Superintendence of the National Educational Association .. L Education
The teacher and the parent; a treatise upon common-school education; containing practical suggestions to teachers and parents L Education
Reports of cases argued & determined in the Supreme Court of Queensland, with tables of cases and index L Education