An abridgment of the acts of the General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland, from the year 1638 to 1820 inclusive, to which is subjoined an Appendix containing an abridged view of the civil law relating to the Church L Education
Legal and historical status of the Dred Scott decision; a history of the case and an examination of the opinion delivered by the Supreme court of the United States, March 6, 1857 L Education
A collection of decisions of the Court of King’s bench upon the poor’s laws, down to the present time L Education
A digest of the reported decisions of the courts of common law, bankruptcy, probate, admiralty, and divorce, together with a selection from those of the Court of chancery and Irish courts. From 1756 to 1883 inclusive. Founded on Fisher’s digest L Education
Comparacion por su respectivo orden numerico de los articulos del Codigo civil de 1870 y el reformado de 1884, en la que se encontrarán las diferencias, cambios, aumentos y supresiones que hay entre uno y otro L Education