Impartial thoughts upon the beneficial consequences of inrolling all deeds, wills, and codicils affecting lands, throughout England and Wales L Education
Russkai͡a zhenshchina na gosudarstvennoĭ i obshchestvennoĭ sluzhbi͡e. Sbornik postanovlenīĭ i raspori͡azhenīĭ pravitelʹstva, opredi͡eli͡ai͡ushchikh prava i obi͡azannosti russkikh zhenshchin po sluzhbi͡e, s prilozhenīem ustavov i polozhenīĭ kazennykh ī chastnykh vspomogatelʹnykh kass i obshchestv uslugami kotorykh mozhet polʹzovatʹsi͡a zhenshchina L Education
Constitución i leyes de los estados unidos de Colombia, espedidas en los años de 1863 a 1875 L Education
Codigo de minas colombiano concordado y anotado; contiene ademas del codigo y de su repertorio: una relación de las leyes de minas nacionales y antioqueñas, una instrucción para avisar y denunciar minas y obtener su adjudicación, los modelos para esto, las leyes adicionales al código, decretos reglamentarios de éste, resoluciones y sentencias sobre algunos puntos dudosos de la materia L Education
An essay on the learning respecting the creation and execution of powers; and also respecting the nature and effect of leasing powers L Education
The mind of the child … observations concerning the mental development of the human being in the first years of life L Education
Reports of cases determined in the Supreme Court, Court of chancery, and Vice admiralty court of Prince Edward island. With a table of the names of the cases reported, a table of the names of the cases cited, and a digest … 1850 — Hilary term, 1882 … inclusive L Education
Addresses and proceedings at the celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of the founding of the American Whig society, of the College of New Jersey, Princeton, N.J., June 29th, 1869 L Education