• publisher: Masson
  • creator: Joseph-Louis Gay -Lussac, François Arago , 1786-1853, Ed Willm
  • contributor: University of Michigan
  • mediatype: texts
  • years: 1825
  • pages: 462
  • language: French
  • lccn: 49052172
  • notes: Editors: 1789-1815, Guyton-Morveau, Monge, Bethollet and others; 1816-50, Gay-Lussac, Arago and others; 1851-53, Arago, Chevreul, Dumas and others; 1854- Chevreul, Roussingault and others; 18 -19 Berthelot, Mascart and others; 19 -Apr. 1909, Mascart, Haller; May 1909-13, Haller, Lippmann, Bouty.
  • download: pdf file