• creator: Cosson, E.
  • contributor: George Engelmann Papers, 1831-1914.
  • Keyword: Engelmann, George, 1809-1884 Correspondence. Cosson, E. (Ernest), 1819-1889 Correspondence. Gay, Jacques Etienne, 1786-1864 Death and burial. Hall, Elihu, 1822-1882. Bureau, Louis E虂douard, 1830-1918. Botanical specimens France. Botanical specimens Algeria. Botanical specimens Canary Islands. Letters.
  • pages: 1 2 (39
  • language: fre
  • lccn: i
  • description: Incoming correspondence to George Engelmann from Ernest Cosson, for 1864-1870. The correspondence relates to the description of shipment of plants from France, Algeria, and the Canary Islands; requested Engelmann to send several publications to include in a revision of his Prodromus Florae Algeriensis; interested in Engelmann's research of Conifer; announced Mr. Gay's death. Request to assist Mr. Bureau on his visit to the U.S.
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