The statutes at large from the Magna Charta, to the end of the eleventh Parliament of Great Britain, anno 1761 [continued to 1806]. By Danby Pickering

- publisher: Cambridge, Printed by J. Bentham
- creator: Great Britain Pickering, Danby, fl. 1737-1769, ed
- contributor: Pickering, Danby, fl. 1737-1769, ed.
- years: 1762-1807.
- pages: 46 v. in 51.
- class: LAW <Great Britain 2 1762->
- notes: Vols. 24, 27-37, printed by J. Archdeacon; v. 39, by J. Archdeacon and J. Burgess; v. 40-43, by J. Burgess; v. 44-46, by R. Watts.
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