A treatise on the strength of timber, cast and malleable iron, and other materials: with rules for application in architecture, the construction of suspension bridges, railways, &c.: and an appendix on the power of locomotive engines, and the effect of inclined planes and gradients

- publisher: London, J. Weale
- creator: Barlow, Peter, 1776-1863. [from old catalog] Heather, J. F. (John Fry), d. 1886, ed Willis, Robert, 1800-1875. [from old catalog]
- contributor: Heather, J. F. (John Fry), d. 1886, ed. Willis, Robert, 1800-1875. [from old catalog]
- Keyword: Building materials Testing. Strength of materials.
- years: 1851.
- pages: xii, 516 p.
- class: TA410
- download: pdf file