- publisher: Paris, Editions Klincksieck [etc.]
- creator: Daunou, P. C. F. (Pierre Claude François), 1761-1840, ed
Lebrun, Pierre Antoine, 1785-1873, ed
Giraud, Charles, 1802-1881, ed
Hauréau, B. (Barthélemy), 1812-1896, ed
Delisle, Léopold, 1826-1910, ed
Paris, Gaston Bruno Paulin, 1839-1903, ed
- contributor: Daunou, P. C. F. (Pierre Claude Franc抬ois), 1761-1840, ed.
Lebrun, Pierre Antoine, 1785-1873, ed.
Giraud, Charles, 1802-1881, ed.
Haure虂au, B. (Barthe虂lemy), 1812-1896, ed.
Delisle, Le虂opold, 1826-1910, ed.
Paris, Gaston Bruno Paulin, 1839-1903, ed.
Cagnat, Rene虂, 1852-1937, ed.
Merlin, A. (Alfred), 1876-1965, ed.
Acade虂mie des inscriptions & belles-lettres (France)
Institut de France.
- pages: v.
- class: AS161
- isbn: 0021-8103
- notes: Part of the illustrative material is folded.
- download: pdf file
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